mieric web address book


June 27th, 2006:
  Updated the addressBook to support passwords. The addressBook saves a cookie encrypted via Blowfish with any password you define in the users.dat file. So A login screen is now shown for the front. This should solve a lot of issues security wise :)


Mieric Web Address Book is wrote entirely in perl with a mysql backend to handle the storage of address's, email, contacts, phone and other information related to each contact. Users are only gained access to AddressBook information if username/password is known.


  • multiple address, emails, phone numbers, contacts, and a description for each
  • easy to add and delete contacts
  • avatar to describe yourself
  • password Protected via Blowfish Encrypted Cookies

  • Screenshots:




    email ebs1@cec.wustl.edu if you have any questions . Please let me know if you use this and what site you use it for. I am curious if I should continue this or not.









    Demo ( guest/guest) is username/pass
